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8th Annual Daddy & Daughter Dance

8th Annual Daddy & Daughter Dance

8th Annual Daddy & Daughter Dance

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In behalf of SB Fatherhood, we invite you to our 8th Annual “Daddy & Daughter Dance,” which will be held on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Inland Career Education Center; located at 1200 N. E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. This event seeks to target daughters aged 5 years and older and their fathers or father-figures.

This cherished event aims to:

1) Raise awareness of the importance of relationships between fathers (or father figures) and their daughters (or daughter figures). 2) Provide a supportive environment to foster connection and strengthen these bonds.

In her book, Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research and Issues, (2012), Dr. Linda Nielsen reveals research indicating that when fathers are positively involved, their daughters are more often:  Successful in academics and their careers; better communicators and problem-solvers; less likely to experience depression, anxiety, or eating disorders, and; less inclined toward risky behaviors.

This year’s Daddy Daughter Dance theme is “Fathers Blessing Daughters”.

There will be a formal (voluntary) ceremony with fathers/father-figures committing to bless

their daughters/daughter-figures and daughters/daughter-figures committing to honor their

fathers.  Other activities will include food, music, dance, opportunity drawings, photo booths, and fun

for all!

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Date And Time

Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 04:00 PM to
Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 07:00 PM


Inland Career Education Center

Event Category

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